Monday, January 9, 2012

Let the Adventure Begin

First blog post!

I guess to start off and say I'm Agnes and I'm going to be spending the 2012 spring semester studying abroad in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania through the CIEE program.  I'm going to be living on the University of Dar es Salaam campus and will mostly be taking political science type courses along with some Swahili (we'll see how that one goes).  Other than that, I excited just to be in a completely different culture and setting than what I'm used to and plan on taking advantage of taking in as much as possible while I'm there.  And it also helps that I'll be taking a bit of a break from engineering for a while.

So I'm leaving the country to start my trip to Tanzania in about 14 hours (it's going to be another 2 days until I actually get there though).  Basically, here's a breakdown of how I'm getting there: My flight from Chicago transfers in DC, then goes to Qatar. In Qatar, I have about a 6 hour transfer overnight (just enough time to get a good nights sleep on one of those oh so comfy airport chairs).   From Qatar, I get on a flight to Kenya and make make my final transfer to get to Dar es Salaam.  So quite a long trip and I expect I'll be pretty sick of airports for a while after it. Needless to say though, I'm getting pretty pumped.  It's taking a while for it to sink in that I'm leaving tomorrow (I guess now it's today) to study abroad in Tanzania for 4 months!  Quite honestly, I don't exactly know what to expect but I guess that's all part of the adventure!

As you can see, packing was a bit of a complication.

Til next time in Tanzania!

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